Data Visualization

Code for quiz 9.

  1. Load the R package we will use.
library(ggforce) #install  before using for the first time
library(tidyquant)  #install  before using for the first time
theme_set(theme_ipsum()) # set all of the plot themes 
  1. Quiz questions

Question: e_charts-1

Create a bar chart that shows the average hours Americans spend on five activities by year. Use the timeline argument to create an animation that will animate through the years.

spend_time  <- read_csv("")

e_charts-1 Start with spend_time

Question: echarts-2

Create a line chart for the activities that American spend time on.

Start with spend_time

Question: modify slide 82

Question: tidyquant

modify the tidyquant example in the video

Retrieve stock price for Microsoft, ticker: MSFT, using tq_get

Create a plot with the df data